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the arowana villaWhat should I do if the first tank of the bottom filter fish tank overflows?

Author: Time:2021-11-0542 second

Information summary:  Normally, it is good. The first tank at the bottom of this section always overflows. I took out the filter and put it back in again. It still doesnt work. Ple...., expensive arowana fish, super seducer.the arowana villaWhat should I do if the first tank of the bottom filter fish tank overflows?

  Normally, it is good. The first tank at the bottom of this section always overflows. I took out the filter and put it back in again. It still doesnt work. Please help the god!
======== Xianglong Aquatic Alliance Fish Friends Comment =====
Amo Comment: Look at your filters
Fish farming soon Comment: Pictured above,
义g5Qo2 Comment: cotton problem
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